Historical Preservation Keeps History Alive

Historical Preservation Keeps History Alive

Historical Preservation keeps our nation's history alive and we learn from the methods and practices of those who came before us. From the legendary White House to the Alamo and Independence Hall to the quirky Corn Palace, and everything in between, these buildings represent an important part of our iconic American architectural history.

Schemmer Historical Preservation_The Forge

The Forge (Odd Fellows Building) Restoration and Renovation | Jefferson, IA

Ashley R. Wilson, AIA, AID, the Graham Gund Architect for the National Trust for Historic Preservation stated in an AIA article titled, the Four Misconceptions about Historic Preservation, “Preservation is not just about protecting the beautiful but also culturally important places where events occurred that shaped our shared history.”

Historical Preservation is and will continue to be a critical part of our architectural landscape, not only to preserve things as they once were but to rehabilitate buildings for new uses.

Preservation maximizes the use of existing materials and infrastructure, reduces waste, and preserves the historic character of older towns and cities. Modifications can be made to improve the buildings and bring them up to current building codes and requirements. The energy embedded in an existing building can be significant in the embedded energy of maintenance and operations for the entire life of the building. Sustainability begins with preservation.

National Historic Preservation Act

Congress enacted the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 in an effort to protect historical architecture by requiring the existence and continuance of historic buildings for the public benefit and heritage.

The National Park Service partners with:

  • State,
  • Territorial,
  • Tribal, and
  • Federal Historic Preservation Officers

to identify, nominate, and list properties in the National Register of Historic Places, the list of places of local, state, tribal, and national significance that Americans believe are worthy of preservation. More than 95,000 entries encompassing over 1.8 million sites, buildings, structures, and objects are listed in the National Register.

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Scottish Rite Theater Renovation | Omaha, NE

The following are some of the benefits of the Act:

  • Retention of history and authenticity
  • Increased economic value
  • Retention of building materials
  • Quicker implementation
  • Reuse of infrastructure
  • Energy, monetary and material savings

The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program is administered by the NPS and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs).

The program creates jobs and is one of the nation’s most successful and cost-effective community revitalization programs. Each year, the NPS approves over 1,000 projects that rehabilitate buildings for new uses and leverage approximately $6 billion in private investment in the rehabilitation of historic buildings across the country.

Schemmer and Historical Preservation

Inspired and experienced. Responsible and collaborative. We work closely with our clients to deliver creative preservation solutions that balance design, function, cost efficiency, and respect for the natural environment. As an architecture firm, we thrive on the challenges and opportunities that come with helping our clients reach their goals.

Schemmer has provided historical preservation services for 50+ projects. We can help you navigate the delicate balance needed between preserving your property’s past while providing the necessary updates and maintenance to ensure the property’s future.

Historical Preservation Services:

  • Historic Tax Incentive Program Consultant – State and Federal
  • Field Services Consultant for the State Historic Preservation Office
  • Historic Resource Development Program Grant Consultant

Recent Historical Preservation Projects:

John Bloom, AIA, LEED AP, CDT – Historical Preservation Architect

Bloom, John_Associate

John Bloom, AIA, LEED AP, CDT

To help you through the preservation process give Schemmer’s John Bloom, AIA, LEED AP, CDT, Historical Preservation Architect, a call. He will ensure your project runs smoothly and the building is properly preserved for generations to enjoy.

515.957.7600, ext. 7614


Design with Purpose. Build with Confidence.

Schemmer is a full-service architecture, engineering, and construction field services, consultant. Providing responsible solutions for complex design and construction-related challenges.

Founded in 1959, we are grounded in our past but remain fully committed to the future. Located in three States and six offices throughout the Midwest, Schemmer is providing services to clients from coast-to-coast and border-to-border across the United States.

Schemmer's services include:

Contact Us Today!

Sources: National Park Service; Whole Building Design Guide; CopperWorks; Architectural Digest