People Creating Places | Dan Kerns, AIA


People Creating Places is Schemmer's blog about our professionals, the people who create the places where you live, work, and play.

Dan Kerns, AIA

Dan Kerns - SchemmerDan Kerns is Schemmer's Executive Architecture Manager. His credentials include:




Who or what inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

"A lot of it came down to just the ability and want to draw and be creative and express what I was seeing in my head and put it on paper. That just kind of manifested into architecture as I progressed through high school and, of course, college and grad school."

What is the best advice you can give to someone just starting their career?

"The best advice I could give someone starting their career as a young architect is to be patient, go get what you want, be creative, push the boundaries, listen and be respectful. Basically everything they told you in kindergarten"

Watch the video above to learn more about Dan Kerns, AIA.

Check out our other People Creating Places blogs.


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