Bell Street Phase II


Bell Street Phase II


City of Fremont


Fremont, Nebraska

Project Details

Schemmer produced final construction drawings for the second phase of a two-phase widening and resurfacing project along Bell Street in Fremont, Nebraska. Traffic engineering for the project involved signalized and unsignalized intersection analysis and traffic signal design at two intersections, along with the design of a pedestrian signal. Schemmer coordinated traffic counts, arterial analysis and developed final pavement marking and signing plans, as well as construction pavement marking, signing plans and lighting for the project.

The lighting design included careful coordination with local utilities and various residential areas and retail establishments. This design minimized light trespass into residential areas and adjacent businesses, but still complied with IES and AASHTO standards. Phase two also included right-of-way design, which identified existing right-of-way and property lines. The road widening required additional right-of-way and easements to be acquired along with potential relocation of a couple properties.