Project Details
White Lotus Group’s I-80 Logistics Hub is in Papillion, NE (approximately 132nd and Cornhusker). Building IV is located on 10.1 acres in the northwest corner of the industrial park. The building is designed as a 100,000 SF spec style warehouse. It is designed to offer multiple tenants to have office use on the west side of the building and dock/distribution on the east side of the building. The site is designed accordingly to accommodate automobile parking on the west side, and truck maneuvering and trailer storage on the east side. The building is a conventional steel framed building with painted precast walls. By providing 32’-0” clear interior space, tenants have the ability for high-pile storage racking.
Schemmer provided Surveying; Architecture; Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; and Construction Materials Testing for the Project.