Peru State College Site Accessibility Study and Improvements


Peru State College Site Accessibility Study and Improvements


Peru State College


Peru, Nebraska

Project Details

Founded in 1867, Peru State College is the oldest college in the State of Nebraska and is located in the rolling hills that abut the Missouri River. The project consisted of a campus-wide study and report of the exterior non-compliant ADA site access issues at Peru State College. Pedestrian routes throughout campus were studied, including walks, steps and access to buildings. The report included an assessment and documentation of the existing conditions and issues, recommended improvements, and associated costs for each identified issue. Improvements were proposed at 19 sites in order meet campus-wide site accessibility for students, staff and visitors. The report allows Peru State College to plan for improvements as funds become available.

Schemmer subsequently designed ADA improvements between the Performing Arts Center and Delzell Hall and the Campus Services building on the Peru State College campus. Improvements included an extensive network of exterior accessible ramps to navigate the large elevation differences between these three buildings, as well as retaining walls, stairs, railings, and accessible walkways - all while respecting the historical items on site.