VA Post Traumatic Stress Outpatient Clinic Remodel


Department of Veterans Affairs PCT Clinic Remodel


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Fort Meade, South Dakota

Project Details

The Post-Traumatic Stress Outpatient (PCT) Clinic project included the renovation of 4,000 SF of existing office space located at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Fort Meade, South Dakota. The new program consists of a new entrance vestibule, offices, waiting area, exam rooms, virtual reality room, patient activity spaces and an exterior courtyard. All of these spaces address security and safety and privacy requirements for both the patients and staff of this mental health clinic.

Architectural, mechanical, and electrical design followed applicable VA Design Guides and Standards, as well as, applicable codes including: NFPA, NEC, OSHA, ASHRAE 90.1, etc.

A two-part phasing construction phasing plan was provided in order to minimize disruption to patients and staff, while maintaining operation of the hospital during construction. These plans also emphasized maintaining a safe environment by not interfering with circulation patterns during construction.