Project Details
The 23rd Street Bridge was constructed over Perry Creek between Geneva and Myrtle Street. Street reconstruction extended from Geneva Street to a point west of Silver Street. The Silver Street to 23rd Street connection was closed as part of this project. New utilities were included in the street work, including a 24-inch water main under Perry Creek. The new three-span bridge has a 32-foot-wide clear opening with sidewalk on one side. Two properties were acquired by the City east of Perry Creek as part of this project. The NEPA clearance for this project included a streamlined Environmental Assessment (EA) and consisted of an archeological and historical structure review, noise study, and 4(f) review due to the close proximity of the park. This project was let by the Iowa Department of Transportation and coordinated with the contractor of the Perry Creek Flood Control Project. Schemmer’s services included preliminary and final bridge design, hydraulic and hydrologic analysis, and preparation of a streamlined Environmental Assessment.