Project Details
The project is comprised of a 180-acre parcel located northwest of Greenview Road and Franklin Avenue in Council Bluffs. The project includes grading for 380 single-family residential lots and infrastructure for 150 lots in Phase 1. Schemmer is coordinating with the City of Council Bluffs and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
The site/civil engineering for the project included preliminary and final civil engineering documents that included specifications, details, grading and erosion control plans, PCSMP design sheets, horizontal roadway alignments, vertical profiles and the layout of utilities, which included an outfall sanitary sewer. The site had an undulating existing grade, which needed a very precise design to keep the grading, paving and utilities within budget.
Schemmer also provided topographic survey; geotechnical investigation; wetlands delineations; a storm water management study; infrastructure and overlot grading construction package; advertisement, bidding and award; public improvements certification; infrastructure and overlot grading construction materials testing; construction staking; public utility staking; sewer as-built surveys; final plat; construction contract administration and periodic construction observation; lot surveys; house staking; and construction observation.