Project Spotlight – Lincoln South Beltway

The Lincoln South Beltway is complete and open

Over six decades ago the Lincoln South Beltway’s initial concept to create a beltway around the City of Lincoln arose. Consequently, the concept to connect U.S. Highway 77 to Nebraska Highway 2 has slowly evolved over time. Now, day by day, it’s coming closer to fruition as construction advances forward. The day is here as Gov. Ricketts held a ceremony officially opening the road to traffic. Full project construction began in May 2020 and was projected to be complete by May 2023, but finished nearly 6 months ahead of schedule.

The beltway will provide better east-west connectivity for regional and interstate travel through Nebraska and reduce conflicts between local and through traffic. In addition, the project addresses the increased travel demand on Lincoln’s transportation network, conflicts between local and regional trips along Nebraska Highway through Lincoln, and challenges associated with heavy truck traffic through Lincoln.


The Lincoln South Beltway

The Lincoln South Beltway is one of the largest transportation undertakings for the State of Nebraska. The $352 million beltway project will construct a new 11-mile east-west freeway south of the City of Lincoln, located between U.S. Highway 77 on the west and Nebraska Highway 2 on the east, and generally located 0.5 miles south of Saltillo Road. The new freeway will include:

  • four travel lanes (two in each direction),
  • inside and outside shoulders,
  • a depressed median, and
  • five grade-separated interchanges, including freeway connections with U.S. Highway 77 and Nebraska Highway 2 and local road connections at S. 27th, S. 68th and S. 82nd Streets.

Schemmer’s Responsibilities

Schemmer is teamed with Alfred Benesch & Associates for the project. Schemmer was responsible for approximately 40 percent of the engineering portions of the beltway. Services include:

  • roadway design
  • bridge design
  • drainage design
  • hydrology and hydraulics analysis
  • traffic analysis for the proposed freeway
  • supporting role in environmental documentation
  • supporting role in public involvement activities
  • construction engineering and inspection

To find out more about the project visit:

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