Schemmer Awarded Three 2017 ACEC Nebraska Merit Awards

Schemmer received three 2017 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Nebraska Merit Awards at the Engineering Excellence Awards Banquet held on February 22, 2017.

The categorical Merit Awards were awarded to the firm for our 33rd and Cornhusker Planning Environmental Linkage (PEL) Study for the Lincoln/Lancaster County Railroad Transportation Safety District, the City of Lincoln Airport Entryway Corridor and the City of Papillion Washington Street Projects.

Schemmer's Steve Kathol, P.E., S.E., Charly Huddleston, P.E., FACEC, Doug Holle, P.E., Pat Birch, AIA, LEED AP, Shane Swope, P.E. and Matt Shimerdla, P.E. were on hand to accept the awards. Congratulations to everyone on the teams for their hard work on these projects.

For more information on Schemmer's projects click on the links below.