Schemmer’s Jason Heinze, P.E., S.E., LEED AP, helped unveil Abide’s newest Lighthouse in their program at a ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, October 13, 2015. Heinze, along with Schemmer’s Kelly Hiskey, Assoc. AIA, Dennis Peters and Rob Whitmore, volunteered their time and provided design services through their partnership with Abide. Heinze also serves on Abide's Advisory Board.
Abide’s Lighthouse program aims to rebuild communities in North Omaha, with the help of community partnerships, to eliminate the factors that contribute to the inner city. Amid darkness, a beacon of light emerges in a neighborhood, one that provides safety, harmony and hope for the future. These beacons of light are Abide’s Lighthouses, renovated homes where families are placed. Lighthouse families become neighborhood advocates by coordinating positive community-building activities. A Lighthouse is a safe and encouraging home where residents work alongside one another to build a strong neighborhood and a great city. Placing families in Lighthouses is a simple strategy to being the eyes and ears of the community. Abide currently has adopted 106 neighborhoods and established 27 Lighthouses.
Abide is an inner city, non-profit organization whose mission is to transform the inner city, one neighborhood at a time. They provide a holistic approach that focuses on developing healthy neighborhoods through four main areas: community building, family support programs, housing and partnerships.
For more information on Abide’s Lighthouse program or how you can help, click here.