Bill Wedeking, AIA, LEED AP attended the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) Assembly 2015 in Houston, Texas on August 11-13, 2015. The LCWR is an association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States. The conference has more than 1,400 members, who represent more than 80 percent of the approximately 51,600 women religious in the United States.
Every August, LCWR holds a national assembly of its members. This gathering provides members with opportunities for education, reflection on issues pertinent to religious life leadership, networking, prayer and celebration. The assembly also provides time for the members to vote for officers and on resolutions.
Schemmer was on hand at the conference to visit with the Sisters, share professional experience and discuss our service offerings.
Congratulations to Mary Caroline Marchal, S.C., Executive Councilor, from the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati who was the winner of a Kindle Fire HD 7 at Schemmer's booth.

Bill Wedeking, AIA, LEED AP at the LCWR Assembly 2015.