Schemmer’s Jason Heinze, P.E., S.E., featured in Midlands Business Journal

Midlands Business Journal | October 21, 2016

Industrial spaces designed with more efficiency in mind

Schemmer’s Jason Heinze, P.E., S.E., was quoted in the Midlands Business Journal’s Business & Industrial Parks/Leasing section on efficiency in industrial businesses.

“Many times companies add onto their existing operations to the detriment of their overall efficiency. New facilities should always improve a business’ operational efficiency,” said Heinze.

“Companies moving into a new facility make a significant investment, and when their operation grows or changes they want a facility that can accommodate that growth,” said Heinze. “Changes can require more equipment, conversion of storage space to manufacturing and planned building expansions that accommodate business growth without compromising efficiency.”

“Another way industrial building design has changed is through the increased use of automation,” said Heinze. “As employees costs continue to increase, conversion to automated systems makes more and more financial sense.”

“Industrial buildings have become more energy efficient as energy codes have changed over the years,” said Heinze. “New energy codes have led to reduced power consumption through the use of more efficient lighting and building systems.”

To read the full Midlands Business Journal article, view pages 27-28.