Schemmer’s Josh Murphy, BPAC, Featured in Midlands Business Journal

Schemmer’s Josh Murphy, BPAC, Featured in Midlands Business Journal

Schemmer’s Josh Murphy, BPAC, BIM (Building Information Modeling) Manager, was quoted in the November 27, 2020 issue of the Midlands Business Journal. The article, "Emerging technology boosts accuracy and efficiency in architecture," focused on how advancing technology is enabling architects to produce far more detailed and timely results for their projects.

Reality Capture and Laser Scanners Technology

Murphy contributes his knowledge on how things used to be done compared to reality capture capabilities now, enabling our architects to view buildings in a 3D environment.

"We used to go out with a tape measure, sketch out a space and assign measurements to it that we had pulled. Then someone would draw that with 3D line work. There was a certain level of inaccuracy we just lived with. Then laser tapes came along where you were shooting a laser in a space, which was a little faster, but you were still sketching it out," he said.

Today Schemmer uses a Leica RTC360 laser scanner, which allows us to look all around a building from any position.

"We get this 3D environment from a point cloud that's way more accurate than we ever got before and way more detailed," Murphy added.

3D environment technologyWith this technology our architects can look at parts of the building off-site and avoid potential issues that would arise during construction, achieving higher accuracy and a shorter turnaround time.

"There's a certain amount of automation that can be done in design. My job as the BIM guy is to design how the software works that the designers use. There are things we can do to automate tasks, how we can become more efficient by doing things faster and responding to issues more quickly. The place to do that is the design process where the architect is going into different iterations of the design, and in production where the designs are produced," Murphy said.

To read the entire article, please see the November 27, 2020 issue of the Midlands Business Journal. The article can be found on page 7.

Click here to learn more about Schemmer’s 3D Scanning Services.

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Schemmer is a full-service architecture, engineering, and construction field services, consultant. Providing responsible solutions for complex design and construction-related challenges.

Founded in 1959, we are grounded in our past but remain fully committed to the future. Located in three States and six offices throughout the Midwest, Schemmer is providing services to clients from coast-to-coast and border-to-border across the United States.

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