Schemmer’s Kevin Wenninghoff, SE, and Fellow Young Professionals featured on the KMTV Channel 3 News

Channel 3 News | July 27, 2018

Omaha serves during 24 Hours of Impact

Schemmer's Kevin Wenninghoff, SE, and fellow Schemmer Young Professionals (SYP) were caught in action by Channel 3 News making a difference last Friday during Omaha's 24 Hours of Impact. The SYP group provided trail clean up on the Big Papio Trail.

The Omaha Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 125th year and attempted to get 125 businesses involved with its 24 Hours of Impact. The goal of the 24 Hours of Impact program was to extract as much community betterment and philanthropy out of Omaha's communities, organizations, and businesses in a fun, positive, and competitive 24 hour period.

"Knowing that's a small part of a big effort going on throughout the day, it really makes you feel good," said Wenninghoff.