Schemmer’s Klostermann and Wenninghoff featured in Midlands Business Journal

Schemmer Shareholders Loras Klostermann, PE, Manager Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Materials Testing, and Kevin Wenninghoff, SE, Structural Engineering Manager, were featured in the August 28, 2020, Midlands Business Journal article "Engineering associations offer a variety of member benefits."

Kevin Wenninghoff

Kevin Wenninghoff, SEWenninghoff is currently serving as president of the Structural Engineers Association of Nebraska (SEAON), part of the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA). He has been a member for five years and has served on the board of directors since 2018. Wenninghoff also serves as chair of the membership committee responsible for tracking member status and reporting member data to NCSEA.  He is the chair of the social media committee that runs the SEAON Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

SEAON works with Nebraska colleges and universities to support students learning the principles of structural engineering. With 100 members, they promote participation in the ACE mentoring program, encouraging professionals in the industry to mentor high school students.

Loras Klostermann

KlostLoras Klostermann, PEermann is currently serving as president of the Engineers Club of Omaha (ECO), with 140 registered members in the Omaha metro area. He has been a member of ECO for more than 25 years and has served on the ECO Board of Directors for the past three years.

ECO provides scholarships to deserving high school seniors planning to study at Nebraska colleges and universities.

To read the full article, click here and go to page 23.