Schemmer’s Marie Stamm, P.E., received the ASCE 2013 Region 7 Outstanding Younger Member Award

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Region 7 Board of Governance announced Schemmer's Marie Stamm, P.E. received the 2013 Region 7 Outstanding Younger Member Award. This award is given annually to a select number of engineers, 35 years or younger, who have exhibited professional achievement and made significant impacts in the civil engineering field. This impact may be achieved through professional activities, ASCE involvement, research and/or innovative engineering solutions.

Stamm has been involved in ASCE since she was an undergraduate student at Iowa State University, where she served on the Student Chapter Board. She first joined the Nebraska Section Board in 2002 as the Younger Member Group Co-Chair. Stamm has served or currently serves ASCE in the following capacity: Younger Member Group Co-Chair, Webmaster, President of Nebraska Section, Director of Nebraska Section, Committee on Younger Member Society, E-Week Task Committee, No Wristwatch Implementation Task Committee and Leader Training Committee. She was selected as the Outstanding Senior of the Year, by the Iowa Section in 2001, and the Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award by the Society in 2011. Stamm is a very active member in her community on a variety of service projects.

Additionally, Stamm has been a member of the transportation group at Schemmer for 12 years. In addition to serving as a licensed professional engineer, she has worked as project manager for several large projects with the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR).