Midlands Business Journal | December 12, 2014
"Economic upswing, ongoing talent shortages influence engineer hiring"
Schemmer’s Matt Sutton, P.E., LEED AP, civil engineering manager, was quoted in the Midlands Business Journal regarding the “economic changes and trends” surrounding the hiring of engineers and partnering with other firms on projects.
Sutton said when the economy was in more of a slump, there was “pressure” for owners to go with the lowest priced consultant. However, “can they get the work done when you need it done?” and, “do they have the time to meet your schedule?” he said.
Along with with price-based selections, firms had to think about capacity. “But as firms get busier, scheduling becomes much more of a critical issue, and it’s not just scheduling, but staffing,” he said. “When the economy turns around, everyone is fighting for the same talent and the same people.”
With the “shortage of qualified talent industrywide,” Sutton encourages owners to be upfront about their scheduling expectations.
As for partnering with other firms, Sutton also said that a partner should place the “public’s safety, health and welfare” in high regard, and hiring decisions should be based on “professional qualifications” and “competence in relation to project scope.”
To read the article, “Economic upswing, ongoing talent shortages influence engineer hiring” in its entirety, please see pages 34-37 of the December 12, 2014 issue of the Midlands Business Journal.