Pat Birch Quoted Lincoln Business Journal 2016 | December 1, 2016
Mixed bag of funding, rule changes present both roadblocks, momentum
Pat Birch, AIA, LEED AP, was quoted in the Lincoln Business Journal’s Engineering section on Schemmer’s housing projects and the impact the local economy may have.
Bond issues, infrastructure funding and legislation are driving projects and the local economies according to industry and firm leadership.
The business climate is steady in Lincoln and recent changes made by the City of Lincoln to the plan/design/construction process help projects get completed faster. New City personnel have also changed processes in many departments to improve time and costs for both the City and the project/project owner.
“Schemmer has several mixed-use, multifamily housing, and senior living projects in design and construction,” said Birch.
“Our housing projects are not geared for students; that market seems to have peaked. Development in the Haymarket continues to be a driver of new projects in the city; however, the suffering ag economy, and the state’s very large projected budget shortfall, may slow growth of development in Lincoln and the state,” said Birch.
To read the full Lincoln Business Journal article, view pages 6-7.
Schemmer - Design with Purpose. Build with Confidence.
Schemmer continues to study and implement renewable energies when possible. We are dedicated to ongoing education for our professionals. If energy costs rise or regulations require lower consumption, we’ll be ready. It is our responsibility to identify where we can help clients save energy, conserve the natural environment and look for sustainable solutions.