Schemmer’s Peter Hind, AIA, LEED AP, The Lincoln Business Journal

The Lincoln Business Journal  |  July 2019

“Lincoln architects take on challenges to healthy growth”

Schemmer’s Peter Hind, AIA, LEED AP

Schemmer’s Peter Hind, AIA, LEED AP, is in the July 2019 edition of The Lincoln Business Journal in the Architecture section. Hind was part of a discussion on how architects are setting Lincoln up for healthy future growth.

From projects that will change the skyline and drive structured parking and green spaces to the industrial-related, new clinic and correctional facilities projects, there are a lot of improvements happening for Lincoln.

Peter Hind, AIA, LEED AP

Hind contributed to the conversation by talking about Schemmer's small- to mid-sized physician office buildings "designed to deal with health issues in a new way."

“We did a small ambulatory surgical operating room that is basically part of the clinic,” he said. "The types of procedures they can do are much less expensive than in a typical health setting."

Hind mentioned the biggest market takeaway, however, is downtown living.

"The Haymarket has been booming for quite a long time, but when the decision was made, 'Let's put an arena downtown,' the destination of the Haymarket became much larger and much richer. And the idea of what people could live next to it became a huge deal. Not to mention, the University of Nebraska is such a strong draw and an amazing asset to our town."

He also noted Lincoln is facing the challenge of affordable housing options, as are many communities across the country and around the world. NeighborWorks Lincoln and a broader network of organizations' efforts to activate historic properties, homeownership opportunities, and sustainable, healthy neighborhoods are helping to solve those problems.

To read the full The Lincoln Business Journal article, see pages 12-13.

To read more about Peter Hind, click here.

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