Schemmer’s Shane Swope, transportation engineer, was featured in the Midlands Business Journal Friday, July 6, 2012. Titled, “Transportation engineers addressing industry changes with current projects,” the article addresses several issues transportation engineers are facing today.
In this particular article, Swope, who has been with Schemmer for more than 18 years, focuses his expertise on two areas affecting the transportation industry today: the funding uncertainty and the civil engineering software improvements.
He goes on to say that because of the funding uncertainty, it prevents federal, state and local governments from making any long-term plans. Therefore, only roadways that require a much-needed upgrade are being considered.
Swope also predicts that electronic files and three-dimensional (3D) electronic models will be replacing paper in the near future. Using 3D models will not only help the environment; it will aid in the quality of their work, he explains in the article.
“As quality increases, long-term maintenance costs decrease,” Swope said. “Three-dimensional models can be downloaded to onboard GPS equipment to give the grading and paving equipment operator real-time access to a proposed roadway surface.”
To read the entire article, check out the July 6, 2012 edition of the Midlands Business Journal. “Transportation engineers addressing industry changes with current projects,” can be found on page 34 and 35.