Why Roundabouts Work

Roundabouts Improve Safety

Norfolk Roundabout | Roundabouts Improve Safety

Nebraska Highway 35, Norfolk Roundabout

Why Roundabouts Work?

Signalized intersections have 32 points of conflict for vehicles moving through the intersection in all directions, which includes 16 points of crossing conflicts. Roundabout intersections have only eight points of conflict and no crossing points of conflict. Roundabouts can also produce increased safety for pedestrians crossing at these intersections.

"Vehicles entering and exiting the intersection are looking in one direction and traveling at reduced speeds. Pedestrians crossing traffic can also find refuge in raised splitter islands, which are a common design element for roundabouts," said Matt Shimerdla, PE, roadway transportation manager for Schemmer’s Lincoln, Nebraska office.

Norfolk Roundabout Why Roundabouts Work

Nebraska Highway 35, Norfolk Roundabout

A long term comparison of costs between signalized intersections and roundabouts show that, in the long term, roundabouts can be less expensive than signalized intersections. There are many factors that contribute to this finding but two significant cost savings are the elimination of traffic signal maintenance and the reduction in costs related to crashes.

Schemmer Knows Roundabouts

Schemmer’s first modern roundabout design dates back to 2002 when a roundabout was constructed in Lincoln to help control traffic near a City swimming pool. Since then, Schemmer has been involved with many roundabout designs.

Pine Lake Road 61st and Highway 2 | Schemmer Knows Roundabouts Transportation Engineering Consultants

Pine Lake Road project from 63rd Street to Highway 2

One of the projects Schemmer recently completed for the City of Lincoln was the Pine Lake Road project from 63rd Street to Highway 2. The existing intersection of 70th Street and Pine Lake Road was a signalized intersection. After an analysis completed by design staff, Schemmer proposed the construction of two roundabouts along the project corridor including replacing the traffic signal at 70th Street with a dual-lane roundabout. This project is currently under construction. We are also currently working on the Fremont Southeast Beltway project and designed the Nebraska Highway 35, Norfolk Roundabout. In 2014, we designed streetscape enhancements to the 11th Street Corridor in downtown Lincoln which included a mini roundabout to provide traffic calming to the neighborhood and remove the need for four-way stop signs.

11th Street Streetscape Roundabout Lincoln Transportation Engineering

11th Street Streetscape

Design with Purpose. Build with Confidence.

Schemmer is a full-service architecture, engineering and construction field services consultant, providing responsible solutions for complex design and construction-related challenges. Founded in 1959, we are grounded in our past but remain fully committed to the future. Located in three States and six offices throughout the Midwest. Schemmer is providing services to clients from coast-to-coast and border-to-border across the United States.

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